Thursday 13 August 2009

Crafty Inspiration

Today I've been surfing and found some really great crafty things on the net, like these super cool cake tissue boxes, they are so lush!! Shame I can't crochet or I would make some attempt to make one!! They would be uber cool gifts for crimbo, especially since it is prime 'cold and flu' time!!
Back to the surfing, more pics tomorrow of any nice finds! ;)

Tuesday 11 August 2009

Sunny days

Today was a sunny day, it is good, we had lots of clouds, rain and overcast days recently so nice to get some kind of break, what with it being summer and all ;)

Im getting some ideas together for my scrapping project; the Americans seem to be so good and well versed in this field, some really creative people making some super pages that I just had to save and admire more later - I feel quite inspired by them and have spent many an hour whiling on the internet discovering new themes and ideas ready to trial on my own! Ooooooh I love feeling crafty and all energised with creativity!! I just need the little man to sleep for a bit longer and cry for a bit less to be able to get cracking on at least one of them!! ;)

The other longer term project I am embarking on is compiling a family tree - this may seem quite simple task but with my family being so broken and international it is proving to be difficult to get information on my grandparents, let alone any further back than that! So a great challenge, especially since the language barrier and age of the still-living known relatives in some cases is somewhat of an obstacle! But such fun if I can achieve any further information! It is mainly so that Oskar can have some reference to his roots when he is older but also there doesnt seem to be any record of some of the great family stories - my maternal grandfather worked in South Africa as a Communications Officer when the first moon landing happened in 1969 in SA's equivalent of NASA, I must get some clippings and my aunt to document it more clearly! So cool!!

Some pics of pages to be inspired later!

Monday 10 August 2009

Sleepy Days... are over!

Well...for now anyway! 5 weeks old and little Oskar still showing no sign of a sleeping pattern...needless to say it has been 5 weeks where sleep has evaded me but I cant help but be grateful that our little man is here and well, doing all the things that little newborn babies do, including keeping me from dreaming for more than 2 hours at a time! WE LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! That it doesnt really matter! (but we will be happy when 2 hours turns into a few more unbreakable ZZZzzzzzzzzzz's lol)
So, for now, the blog entries will be sporadic, and have a trance-like quality to them with no real structure or even content in most will get better!
This week we get the keys to our new house, it is just the cutest little country cottage! And will be GREAT when we move in and are settled! Yippeeee!
For now, I wish you all GOOD NIGHT! until soon!

Thursday 6 August 2009

First Entry

My first blog, my first entry, Life is so full of firsts!
Sunny days are here and Baby Oskar is growing fast (now 4 weeks old and he has grown from 7lb 2 oz birth weight to 10 lb 11 oz in that time - some serious gold top milk getting in there!), moving house in 2 weeks and still trying to decide what to throw out and what to take with us - so hard to get rid of things!! Especially when some of them are so delicious! Reminders of happy days and times gone by, with friends no longer close by and things carrying memories of growing up....oh to be less sentimental sometimes!!
For now, a small start to the new beginnings approaching, blog is up, time to get editting!
*** TTFN!! ***